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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bangabashi College Under Graduate admission 2015

In this article you will get complete information on admission to undergraduate courses in Bangabashi College in academic session 2015-16.


Basis of Admission
Admission Criteria
Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the basis
For General candidates :50% in subject & 50% in

of Aggr. Marks* + marks in Bengali
aggregate (for 2015 candidates only)
Gen :

OBC : as per C.U. norm
SC : 20

SC & ST : as per C.U. norm
ST :

OBC A : 9

OBC B : 6
Merit list will be published on the basis
For General candidates 60% in subject and 60% in

of Aggr. Marks* + Marks English
Aggr. for 2015.
Gen :

For OBC candidates 50% in subject and 50% in
SC : 25

Aggr. for 2015.
ST :

For SC, ST according to C.U. norms, 2015
OBC A : 12

OBC B : 8
Merit list will be published on the basis
For General candidates 50% in subject & 50% in

of Aggr. Marks* + Marks in Sanskrit
Aggr. (for 2015 candidates only).
Gen :

For SC/ST as per C.U. norms
SC : 15

For OBC A  & OBC B, as per C.U. norms
ST :

OBC A : 7

OBC B : 5
Merit list will be published on the basis
For General candidates as per C.U. norms (for 2014

of Aggr. Marks* + Marks in Pol.
and 2015 candidates only)
Gen :

For SC, ST, OBCA and OBC B candidates as per
SC : 15

C.U. norms
ST :

For candidates who do not have Pol. Sc. at the (+2)
OBC A : 7

level, merit list will be published on the of marks in
OBC B : 5

best of 4 subjects + Marks in English

Merit list will be published on the basis
For General candidates as per C.U. norms : (for 2015

of Aggr. Marks * + marks in Philosophy
candidates only) Must pass in Philosophy in (+2) stage
Gen :

For SC, ST, OBCA and OBC B candidates as per
SC : 15

C.U. norms
ST :

OBC A : 7

OBC B : 5
Merit list will be published on the basis
As per C.U.- norms (2013, 2014 candidates may also

of Aggr. Marks * + marks in History
apply). For General candidates
Gen :

SC/ST as per C.U. norms
SC : 15

OBC A & OBC B as per C.U. norms
ST :

For candidates who do not have History at the (+2)
OBC A : 7

level, merit list will be published on the of marks in
OBC B : 5

best of 4 subjects + marks in English

Merit list will be published on the basis
As per University norms** (for 2013, 2014 and 2015

of Aggr. Marks * + marks in Sociology
candidates). For General candidates
Gen :

SC/ST as per C.U. norms
SC : 6

OBC A & OBC B as per C.U. norms
ST :

OBC A : 3

OBC B : 2

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per CU norms. Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.
** CU norms : 50% in Aggregate with 45% in Subject Or, 55% in Subject or in related Subjects Or. 50% in Aggregate if the subject or related subject is not included in previous qualifying Exam;

***The Candidates may also apply for B.Sc.(Hons.) in Economics with subject combinations : Political Science & mathematics as two other general subjects at undergraduate level.

***The Candidates may also apply for B.Sc (Hons.) in Psychology with subject combinations : Anthropology, Chemistry/Botany


Basis of Admission
Admission Criteria

Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the
For General candidates  As per C.U.

basis of Aggr. Marks*
norms and must pass in Maths in
Gen : 21

(+ 2) or Equiv. Exam

SC : 8

(for 2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)
ST : 2

For OBC –A & OBC-B :as per C.U.
OBC A : 4

norms and must pass in Maths in
OBC B : 3

(+ 2) or Equiv. Exam as per C.U. norms

(for 2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)

SC/ST : As per C.U. norms and must pass

in Maths in   H.S  (+ 2) or Equiv. Exam

( 2015 candidates)

Merit list will be published on the
As per University norms** (for 2013,

basis of Aggr. Marks* + marks in
2014 and 2015 candidates)

Gen : 15

Psychology or English

SC : 6

ST : 2

OBC A : 3

OBC B : 2

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per CU norms. Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.

** CU norms : 50% in Aggregate with 45% in Subject Or, 55% in Subject or in related Subjects Or. 50% in Aggregate if the subject or related subject is not included in previous qualifying Exam;

***The Candidates may also apply for B.Sc.(Hons.) in Economics with subject combinations : Political Science & mathematics as two other general subjects at undergraduate level.

***The Candidates may also apply for B.Sc (Hons.) in Psychology with subject combinations : Anthropology, Chemistry/Botany


Basis of Admission

Admission Criteria
Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the
55% in Aggregate and 50% in

basis of Aggr. Marks * + Marks in

the subject (only 2015)
Gen : 138

Accountancy or marks in Math
For Science students 55% in
SC : 55

Aggregate and 50% in Math
ST : 15

(only 2015)
OBC A : 25

For SC/ST candidates – As per
OBC B : 18

C.U. norms (only 2015)

For OBC candidates –  50% in

Aggregate and 45% in subject

(only 2015)

*  Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per C.U. norms

Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.

Basis of Admission
Admission Criteria
Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the
For General candidates  As per C.U. norms and

basis of Aggr. Marks*
must pass in Maths in
H.S  (+ 2) or Equiv. Exam
Gen : 21

(for 2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)
SC : 8

For OBC –A & OBC-B  :as per C.U. norms and
ST : 2

must pass in Maths in
H.S  (+ 2) or Equiv.Exam.
OBC A : 4

(for 2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)
OBC B : 3

SC/ST : As per C.U. norms and must pass in

Maths in   H.S  (+ 2) or Equiv. Exam

( 2015 candidates)

Merit list will be published on the
For General candidates 65% in Aggr. and  65%

basis of  marks in
marks in Physics & Maths each, for 2015
Gen : 32

Physics + Mathematics)
candidates only. For 2014 candidates, 75% marks
SC : 13

in Aggr.  75% marks in Physics & Mathematics
ST : 3

are required.

OBC A : 3

SC/ST : 50% Aggr. & 50% in  Maths and Physics
OBC B : 2

each (2015 candidates only)

OBC A & OBC B : 60% in Aggr.& 60% in

Maths & Physics each (2015 candidates only)

Merit list will be published on the
For General candidates 60% in Aggr & 60% in

basis of marks obtained in Phy. +
Chemistry, only for  2015  candidates
Gen : 36

maths + Eng. +  2 x Chemistry marks
For  OBC - A & OBC – B : 58% in Aggr. &
SC : 14

58% in Chemistry (2015)
ST : 4

For SC/ST : as per C.U. norms (2015)
OBC A : 3

OBC B : 2
Merit list will be published on the
For General candidates : 60% in Aggr. (sum of

basis of Aggr. Marks * + 2 x marks
best 4 marks in H.S. or equivalent Examination
Gen : 43

in Maths
2015, excluding ENVS) + 60% in Mathematics
SC : 17

SC/ST : H.S. or equivalent Examination passed in
ST : 5

2015 (C.U. norm)
OBC A : 8

OBC : 50% in Aggr. (sum of best 4 marks in H.S.
OBC B : 5

or equivalent Examination, 2015, excluding

ENVS) + 50% in Mathematics

Merit list will be made on the basis of following

rule :

Merit Mark = Sum of best 4 marks (in H.S. or

equivalent Examination, 2015, excluding ENVS) +

2 x Marks of Mathematics in H.S. or equivalent

Examination, 2015

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per C.U. norms; Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.

**C.U. Norms : 50% in Aggregate with 45% in Subject Or, 55% in Subject or in related Subjects Or, 50% in Aggregate if the subject or related subject is not included in previous qualifying Exam.

***The Candidates may also apply for B.A. (Hons.) in Economics with subject combinations : Political Science & History as two other general subjects at undergraduate level.


Basis of Admission
Admission Criteria
Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the
For General : 65% in Aggr. (for 2015

basis of Aggr. Marks* + Geography
candidates only)
Gen : 41

For OBC : 60% for 2015 candidates
SC : 17

ST : 5

SC/ST : as per C.U. norms for 2015
OBC A : 2

candidates only
OBC B : 2
Computer Sc.
Merit list will be published on the
For Gen :50% in Aggr. + 50% in

basis of Aggr. Marks* + Marks
Maths (for 2013, 2014 and 2015
Gen : 15

obtained in Mathematics
candidates )
SC : 6

OBC A & OBC B : As per C.U. norms
ST : 2

(2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)
OBC A  3

SC/ST : As per C.U. norms (2013, 2014
OBC B : 2

& 2015 candidates)

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per C.U. norms; Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.


Basis of Admission
Admission Criteria

Total Seats
Merit list will be published on the basis
55% in Aggr. + 60% marks in Biology/Anthropology &

of Aggr. Marks* + narks in
45% in English for 2015 candidates.  For
Gen : 29

Biology/Anth. + marks in English
passed in 2014 : 60% in Aggr. + 60% marks in
SC : 10

Biology/Anthropology & 45% in English.  Candidates
ST : 3

must have Biology as one of the subjects combination at
OBC A : 3

H.S. (+2) or  Equivalent level & any two of the following
OBC B : 2

subjects : Anthropology, Phy,, Chem., Maths, Comp. Sc.,

Comp. Appli, Psychology, Physiology, Geography,


For OBC A & OBC B : 50% Aggr., 55% Biology and

40% English

SC/ST : As per C.U. norms

Merit list will be published on the basis
a)   General candidates passed in the year 2015

of Aggr. Marks* + 2 x marks in
with Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio. Sc.
Gen : 32

Biological Sciences/Biology
securing 65% marks in Aggr. in H.S. or other
SC : 13

equivalent Exam. are eligible to apply.  For
ST : 3

OBC (Both A & B) passed in the year 2015,
OBC A : 6

securing 60% marks in Aggr. may eligible to
OBC B : 4


b)   General Candidates passed in the year 2014,

with Physics, Chem, and Biology/Bio. Sc.

securing 75% marks in Aggr. in H.S. or

equivalent Exam. may also eligible to apply.

Candidates both OBC- A & OBC- B passed the

H.S./equiv. Exam in the year 2014  securing

70% marks in Aggr. may also be eligible to


SC/ST candidates : as per C.U. norms

Merit list will be published on the basis
a)   For 2015 General candidates 60% in

of Aggr. Marks * + marks in Biology. +
Aggr. + 60% Biology (Th. + Pr.) & pass
Gen : 32

marks in Chemistry(Theory +Prac.)
marks in Chemistry + pass marks in English
SC : 13

(+) marks in English
b)   For OBC – A & OBC – B :
55% in Aggr.
ST : 3

+ 55% in Biology (Th. + Pr.) pass marks in
OBC A : 6

Chemistry + pass marks in English
OBC B : 4

c)   For 2014 General candidates 65% in

Aggr. + 65% in Biology (Th + Pr.) pass

marks in Chemistry + pass marks in


d)   For 2014 OBC – A & OBC – B candidates

60% in Aggr. + 60% in Biology (Th. + Pr.)

pass marks in Chemistry + pass marks in


SC/ST  : as per C.U. norms (2015

candidates only)

Merit list will be published on the basis
As per University norms **


of Aggr. Marks * + marks in Psychology
(for 2013, 2014 & 2015 candidates)
Gen : 15

or English

SC : 6

ST : 2

OBC A  3

OBC B : 2

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in(+2) stage Exam as per C.U. norms. Any application not satisfying criteria is liable to be cancelled.

**C.U. norms : 50% in Aggregate with 45% in subject Or, 55% in Subject or in related subjects Or, 50% in Aggregate if the subject or related subject is not included in previous qualifying Exam;

***The candidates may also apply for B.A.(Hons.) in Psychology with subject combinations : Political Sc. & History

B.A./B.Sc /B.Com (General) Course

Total Seats
B.Sc (Bio. Sc.) General
Students passed in 2013, 2014, 2015 with minimum 40% in Aggr.

Gen : 108

SC : 43

ST : 12

OBC A: 20

OBC B : 14
B.Sc (Pure Sc.) (with
Minimum 40% in Science subjects (Phys, Chem & Math) for 2013,
Phys, Chem,
2014, 2015 candidates
Gen : 73
Math/Comp. Sc)

SC : 29

ST : 8

OBC A : 13

OBC B : 9
B.Sc (Pure Sc.) with
Minimum 40% in Science subjects (Phys, Chem & Math) for 2013,
2014, 2015 candidates
Gen : 29

SC : 12

ST : 3

OBC A : 5

OBC B : 4
B.A. General
Students passed in 2015 with minimum 45% marks

Gen : 377

SC : 151

ST : 41

OBC A : 69

OBC B : 48
B.A. (Gen) with
Minimum 47% Marks in Aggr. (for 2015 candidates only)
Geography as Gen.

Gen : 29

SC : 12

ST : 3

OBC A : 5

OBC B : 4
B.Com General
Minimum 45% in Aggr. for 2015 candidates only

Gen : 252

SC : 101

ST : 27

OBC A : 46

OBC B : 32

*Aggregate marks means the sum of marks obtained in best scored four subjects in (+2) stage Exam as per C.U. norms; Any application not satisfying the Admission criteria is liable to be cancelled.

The Admission forms are also available from website –

To view complete information on College Admission 2015, CLICK...

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