There are number of vacancies in Metal & Steel Factory in different posts. Interested candidates can apply On-line only through Last date of application is 1 September 2013. The candidates who want to apply should have valid e-mail id and mobile number.
Post: Tradesman (Mason Brick)
Number of posts: 06
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed Matriculation and must possessed National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) or National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
Post: Tradesman (Fitter Boiler)
Number of posts: 01
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed Matriculation and must possessed National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) or National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
Post: Tradesman (Boiler Attendant)
Number of posts: 04
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed Matriculation and must possessed National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) or National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
Post: Tradesman (Welder)
Number of posts: 01
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed Matriculation and must possessed National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) or National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
Post: Tradesman (Chemical Process Worker)
Number of posts: 08
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should have passed Matriculation and must possessed National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) or National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
For details, visit:
Metal & Steel Factory
P.O. Ishapore Nawabganj
Dist-24 Pargana(N)
Postal Code: 743144
West Bengal
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