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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Calcutta University Releases New Assessment Scheme for Final Semester Exams

Calcutta University has announced a new assessment scheme for the final semester students
Attention students, the Calcutta University on Thursday has announced that due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and cancelation of the exams, the university would award marks on the ratio of 20 percent from internal assessment and 80 percent from the best aggregated of previous semesters in both UG and PG levels. The decision was made after a meeting of the syndicate.


The meeting concluded with the following points:
Attention students, the Calcutta University on Thursday has announced that due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and cancelation of the exams, the university would award marks on the ratio of 20 percent from internal assessment and 80 percent from the best aggregated of previous semesters in both UG and PG levels. The decision was made after a meeting of the syndicate.

For B.Com. course, the syndicate said that for the preparation and publication of results of final examinations, 80 percent of the marks will be given from the best aggregate percentage of previous five semesters' marks and remaining 20 percent marks will be given from the best of previous semesters internal assessments.

For Post-Graduate courses, 80 percent of the marks will be given from the best aggregate percentage of previous three semesters' marks and the remaining 20 percent to be given based on internal assessment.

For professional courses like Engineering and Technology, Management, Law, 80 percent of the marks will be awarded based on internal assessment/mid-semester examination/ best of the aggregates of previous semesters and remaining 20 percent to be awarded from the assignment based evaluation, the university authorities said

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