In this post detail information of Bakkhali is written, How to reach Bakkhali, where to stay, what are the main attractions of Bakkhali that attracts so many tourists. Bakkhali being very nearer to Kolkata, people gathers here mostly on week ends.
In recent years, Bakkhali has gained popularity as a seaside resort and many tourists from different parts of West Bengal enjoy the natural beauty of Bakkhali in South 24 Parganas. Bakkhali is a small beach resort located near to Kolkata, just about 132 kms away from Calcutta. It is located on one of the deltaic islands in Bay of Bengal of South 24 Paraganas.
It has a long beach stretching from Bakkhali to Frasergunj. Till today, the beach is not overcrowded on holidays so it is the ideal place for tourists to spend a day or more in a calm and quite location. Gentle weaves of Bay of Bengal will refresh the mind and body. Bakkhali is the best place for the city dewelers to get refreshed. One can visit crocodile breeding centre at Bakkhali.
How to reach Bakkhali
From Diamond Harbour one can reach Bakkhali by road. This journey is also fantastic. There are number of creeks and most of them have bridges.
From Kolkata one can reach the railway station Namkhana. The local transports are mainly rickshaw van and trekkers. To travel the nearby islands, one has to depend on country boat with motor attachment.
Where to stay – hotels, holiday homes and lodges
There are many private hotels, lodges and holiday homesat Bakkhali. Advance booking is also possible in for the holiday homes and hotels. Here is the list of few holiday homes at Bakkhali:
Writers Building Employees Co-operative Canteen & Stores Ltd. Holiday Home, Canteen Office, Ground Floor, Writers Building, Kolkata-1
Hotel Swastha
Contact Phone number: 22145600 (Extn-4511)
UBI Employee's Co-op Credit Society Ltd .4, N C Dutta Sarani, Kol -1
Samabay Sasthya Unnayan Society
Contact Phone number: 22200841
Facilities available: Kitchen available
Hotel Deepak, Frezerganj, Bakkhali, 24 Parganas (South)
Kolkata Office- 117/A, Monoharpukur Road, Kolkata-26
Kolkata Ph No. - 033 24640081
Contact Phone number: 03210 225277, 9732604833,
Banquet Hall, Multi Cuisine Restaurant, Car Parking, Mordenised Bar
Sagar Belay Guest House, Frezerganj
Booking facility is available. Contact numbers: 033 24535817, 9231549732
Hotel Portland, Frezerganj
Kolkata Booking office at Easter Co. (P) Ltd. 4B, B B D Bagh, (E), Gr. Floor, Kolkata -1.
Contact Phone number: 22101822, 22207094, 25531437, 25537497
Hotel Dolphin
Kolkata Booking office at 8/1, Sarsuna Main Road, Bakultala, Kolkata – 700061
Bay View Tourist Lodge
Kolkata Booking office at Desh Medical, 150, B B Ganguli Street, Kolkata - 7 (Sealdah, near Kole Market)
Contact Phone number: 03210-225214, 9836135942, 033-55141148
This lodges can provide dormitory also apart from 2 bed and 3 bed rooms.
Information might have changed since this page is last updated.
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