Important Notifications
1. The Oral Test will be held on 19th December, 2016 (Monday) at 10.30 am. The selected candidates will be admitted on 22nd December (Thursday) at 11.00 a.m..
2. The candidates alongwith their guardians must remain present at the time of admission between 11.00 am. and 1.00 p.m. on 22nd December (Thursday), 2016. No seat will be kept vacant if any candidate fails to turn up at the time of admission.
3. a) Transfer Certificate, b) Original Admit Card, c) Birth Registration Certificate, d) Two copies of recent passport size photo and e) a Xerox copy of the Progress Report (the original one will be required for verification) from the School assuring that the candidate has already been duly promoted to the next higher class (on the basis of Annual results of the Session 2016) must be produced . The new Session will commence on and from 2nd January 2017 at 10.45 a.m. If the Transfer Certificate and the Progress Report be not produced on the date of admission, the candidate must produce the same on 2nd January, 2017 positively failing which his name will be struck out from the School Register.
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